Saturday, January 16, 2021

TUSAL and GG 2021!

 Ok, I totally forgot about the TUSAL or the Totally Useless Stitch-a-Long!   It is run by It's Daffy Cat    and is just a time to show your orts.  (It is supposed to be on the new moon...)I decided it is time to move to a different ort container. Here is my jar from the last several years:

 Next  time I will be using something else. If I remember to post!

Gifted Gorgeousness is the brainchild of Jo  .I need to change my link on my side-bar..... Anyway, on the 15th of the month we are to post a photo of something that was a gift, is a gift, going to be a gift, has the word gift in it....

Anyway, here is my photo:

This is MH 1656  or My Beloved by Hands Across the Sea Samplers. The original sampler was a gift to Nicola Parkman from her husband. So it counts. Now if I could just put some stitching onto it!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. The sampler is lovely, maybe you'll get some more progress this weekend?

Clare-Aimetu said...

That's a good collection ofmorts, what do you do with them. Your sampler is lovely

Irene RESA said...

I have an ORT jar too, we need to be proud of our passion.

diamondc said...

Beth: That is a lot of TUSAL in that jar.
The Hands Across The Sea is so pretty such vibrant colors.


Kaisievic said...

Lovely sampler, Beth.

Leonore Winterer said...

Maybe this will be the year you finish my beloved!