I realized last year that I don't like how Facebook or Instagram keeps track of my images. If I want to see the work I have done or when I last worked on a piece, I poke around on my blog. Nothing against Facebook or Instagram. They have their place. But I like this blog for keeping track of my stitching.
I keep a paper notebook with information on my stitching.
Here is the outside:
And here is my notes from 2020:

I was doing WIPocalpse and I wanted to keep track of my work.
I have kept this notebook for years and I started it when I did the crazy 15 new starts in January.
January 2012
This year I am just listing the pieces I am working on as I go. You will notice a page number on the right.

I numbered every page of the notebook and I place each piece on a page. I take notes(in theory) about each piece on its page. Most of the time it is just when I started and when I finished. But if I change a thread or do something different, I try to make a note.
I also tried to Bullet Journal.
I would place a little mark when I would stitch on a certain piece. I found I did not like doing this and would often come to the end of the month without marking anything!
Some of you watch Brenda and the Serial Starter .They are using this calendar to keep track of their pieces.
I decided to join them. I like jotting a little note that I stitched on a certain piece. My friend suggested using a different color pen for each piece I stitch. Great idea except I just used the pens I had at home! Next month I will try that idea.
I bought my stickers from Kawaii Pen Shop
They had some unusual ones along with some fun washi tape.It took a long time to arrive, but the stickers are great fun. But I think any you can find at your local craft store would work also. Next month I plan to use the ones I have from my scrap-booking days.

So what do you use to keep track of your stitching?