This is the brain child of Melisa and she has a Check-in post here
She asked how we are doing with our goals so far. Well, not too bad, but not as far as I had hoped on a few of them.
1. MH 1656, My Beloved
Well, I haven't touched it for a month. I need to pull this piece out and get this Montenegrin Stitch DONE!
2.Drawn Thread Sampler by Gay Ann Rogers
Haven't touched it. All year. SAD.
3.Art Quilt:
Haven't touched it in a few months, but I hope to get back at it soon.
4.Butterfly-Alesandra Adelaide STITCHED! (But I can't find it or a photo of it finished!!!)
5. Lotus Box by Teri Bay
Haven't touch it!
6. Reptile: Not a single stitch.
7.Autumnal Abstractions by Joni Stevenson
I have started working on this again:
8. L. Genders by Brenda Gervai
9. No new Santa by Janet Zickler Casey
10. No new heart by Gay Ann Rogers
11. Enchanted Pumpkin by Mill Hill Beads
12. Inchies by Kathy Reese
I finished one and am starting another that I am videoing so my guild can follow along:
13.Agnus Dei by Modern Folk Embroidery
14. Group Correspondence Course-Haven't touched it!!
15. Mandala Musings-Haven't touch it!
16. Linen and Threads Mystery SAL 2020
I have stayed caught up on this one. A miracle!
17.I have a project that is a gift for a friend...If I ever finish it!
18. Fully Finished projects- I did get Uncle Sam's Hat fully finished.
19. EGA Wool project for my local guild: Fully Finished!
Well, I hope you enjoyed all the eye candy. I need to get to work! Not as much done as I hoped, but I am enjoying what I am currently stitching. And that is why I stitch!