Monday, October 11, 2021

Shall I Start Again?

 I started this project in January as a gift for my oldest son. 

I originally was stitching on white fabric, but thought it  was too stark. So I attempted to dye it. And made a mess. So, do I just start again? It was relatively fast and easy to stitch. Or should I try to fix it? 

I'm thinking seaweed in the background to cover up the lines of dye. And french knots in sand color up front...What do you think?


diamondc said...

Beth: I think the seaweed is a great idea, however the blue looks like the dye from an octopus.
I am looking forward to seeing this design finished, I rather like it.


Leonore Winterer said...

I agree, the dye spots seem to fit in really well with the subject matter! I hope you continue to work on this.