Sunday, October 17, 2021

Comfort Stitching

 For some reason, I am super stressed since coming home from vacation. Maybe it is just the way the world is right now. So I feel like I should be working on certain projects, but I can not get the energy stitch on them. But that is ok. I am giving myself permission to stitch on Springhill. I am in love with the colors and it makes me happy.

Here is how it looks right now.:

I've been busy canning too. A friend gave me pumpkins so I put them up.

Broke a quart jar and under filled another quart...But I have 5 quarts and 7 pints on pumpkin goodness. And I am baking pumpkin apple bread as I type. Life is good.


Claudette497 said...

Happy stitching, happy cooking - good for you!

Leonore Winterer said...

Those spring like colours are just the right thing as the days are getting shorter!

diamondc said...

Beth: I have had the stitching slump in the past, it seems to be so hard to get past that slump for me.
Nice progress on your design.
I would love to do some canning, with only two people and no children it would not be worth it, we get canned goods from friends.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is such a pretty cheerful Sampler, the perfect thing to blow away the blues!

Pamela Kellogg said...

Beautiful stitching!!!

Lyn Warner said...

I can see why you enjoy the colours of the sampler. It's a beautiful piece of embroidery altogether!