There is a challenge taking place on Instagram by @devotedquilter called #wipsbegone2021. The idea is there are 100 days left in 2021(or there were when the challenge started), so how many WIPS can you finish?
Well, if I worked on tiny ones, maybe quite a few. But as you know, I love large projects. So I am trying to make a concerted effort on a few of my WIPS. Will they get done before the end of the year? Doubtful. But a girl can try.
Here is the last time I showed you Springhill:
And here it is now:
Can you see my mistake? Not the one on the right side of photo where I miscounted somewhere on the vines and I am two stitches too high...
No? Well, I did the Montenegrin stitch on the bands between the vine, but did not write what color I chose. So the bottom band is a different color. Oh well. Both are staying in as life is too short to go back and fix something like that. Too much stitching to do! And who wants to rip on 45 count linen?!?
Awesome progress Beth. I think it looks fine.
It's a design decision, not a mistake! :) Seriously, it looks fine. And yes, no one wants to rip out that count of linen
Beth: This is so pretty, I would leave it, 45 count is a small count to be ripping out, I think it looks perfect.
No one would ever know! Both colours look fine with the rest of the sampler. It's beautiful.
The different colours could totally be on purpose!
Finishing a couple WIPs before the year is out is a great idea. I'm doing my best to work on mine.
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