Jo over at
Serendipitous Stitching suggested that I join Melissa at
Measi's Musings for her WIPocalyplse SAL. Thanks Jo!
This SAL started in 2012 with the joke that the world would end that year and we needed to finish our works in progress. That year we were supposed to have 12 WIP's and finish them and then 13 the next year and so on... This year is a little more relaxed with posting whatever pieces you want. Love it! After all, this is supposed to be fun! Every month we are supposed to show our progress on our WIP's-I think it is the last Sunday of the month.
And every month there is a question to get to know your fellow stitchers. Brilliant! This month we are asked to tell a little about ourselves. I am a stay-at-home mom who home schooled her three children. They have just all gone off to college. The two boys are engineers and look like they will be getting their PhD's.(Proud mama moment!) My daughter is not far away at college and I know there will be a road trip to see her this spring. I have tried my hand at different types of crafts including mixed-media but have decided that I love needlework. Now if I could just settle on one type.
I thought it would be fun to show all the WIP's I have, or at least that I could find. Will I stitch them all? Probably not. Will I add more to the WIP parade before the end of the year? YES!
1. First Christmas Stocking-I want to get this one done.
2.Drawn Thread Sampler and Doodle Sampler by Gay Ann Rogers-I am tired of this piece waiting to get finished, so it is on my get done in 2019. If I can get the stocking done and these samplers, that would be wonderful.
3. MH 1656-Hands Across the Sea Samplers: Nicola has us stitching a row a month, so this is very doable as long as I stay with the program. And we all know how well I do that!
4.2020 Challenge with Sharon B- This is a crazy quilt challenge to use 2020 different things on a crazy quilt. I think I have finished block 5 but I need to make more blocks to keep going on this challenge. Time will tell.
5.Welcome-Mill Hill bead Kit: This is close to being done. Hopefully I can get it out of the rotation soon.
6.Butterfly-Alesandra Adelainde: This piece is harder to stitch than I thought. I think it is because I am stitching over one on an evenweave fabric.
7.Flowering Lotus Box-Terri Bay: I have made a mistake somewhere on this piece. I need to do some ripping and find out where it is.
8.Reptiles-Heaven and Earth Designs: I plan on stitching on this piece on the weekends. But I haven't yet, so we will have to see.
9.Tall Year Squared-Betsy Morgan: I need to figure out what is left and assemble this piece. SOON!
10.FFO-I have a stack of things that need to be fully finished. Not these things, but I do have quite a stack. I will show you when I get some things done.
11.Saint Nick-Mill Hill Bead Kit: A nice small with all my BOPs(Big old Projects)
12.Warm and Wise-Mill Hill Bead Kit-This will go quickly especially if I have to go anywhere and wait. (Have I even shown this to you?)
13.Project with a Friend: She has finished Drawn Thread Sampler and is patiently waiting for me to start several pieces. Yes, they are all big so I have to get a large project done first. She is a good friend to wait for me.
14. Catherine Jordan-Map: I joined a class with Cyberstitchers called Creating Needlework Maps. It starts in February but I need to get my map drawing ready now. Not sure what I will do, but here is a link to ones that are similar:
Map Kits
15. Hooray for the Red, White and Blue-This is being offered by the Central Kentucky ANG and I am getting the local EGA guild to stitch it with me. So, yes, I need to stitch it.
16.Pumpkin Canvas-I need to stitch this as a friend gifted it to me and I have her canvas as a guide. I think she will want hers back before the end of the year. My problem is that I don't have any more tacks as they are all in use with other pieces, as you will soon see.
The rest of these are truly WIPs. Not sure I will put a single stitch on these pieces. But I found them in my stash and thought I would share.
17.Coverlet-Janet m. Perry: I have no clue when I started this or why I stopped. I think I will be taking it off the stretcher bars and use the tacks for something else.
18.Starburst-Patricia Hartman: I know why I stopped working on this piece. I made a mistake on this piece and I used to know where. I really would like to finish this and hang it up.
19. O'Star of Wonder-Candamar Designs: This may be my oldest WIP. I am not sure where the chart and threads are. That is a scary thought, isn't it? I may have to clean out my room to find it. I also think I am stitching it the wrong orientation on my linen. Sigh.
20. A Knot Garden-Catherine Jordan:I signed up for this piece in 2014. And here it sits, undone.
21.Illinois Canvas:I am so close to finishing this but I hit a roadblock. What will I do with it when I am done?
22.Florentine Ornaments-EGA Group Correspondence class: No, this is my oldest WIP! I have the pattern, but I did not love the colors. I do need to get back to this. Maybe.
23.Maple Leaf-Laura J. Perin: This has been sitting around for quite a while. I know why. I don't love the colors. I think I may need to trash the piece and redo it in a color I love.
24.Paisley Passion-Debrah Forney: I haven't touched this piece since the workshop. I do know where it all is which is a blessing.
25.Venetian Delight |
25.Venetian Delight-Ro Pace: I took this as a workshop in 2003. And haven't touched it since.I want to stitch it, but on congress cloth, not 18 count canvas.
26.Autumnal Abstraction-Joni Stevenson: I haven't touched this since I took the workshop. I think it is because I don't like the colors. But I do want to bring it out and play with it.
27.Chick and Chat-Judy Jeroy: Another piece that I haven't touch since the workshop.
Can you sense a theme? I take a class and don't finish the piece. Sigh. And this list does not include stash that I haven't stitched or things that I have that I did not take time to photograph. Do I really want to start Linen and Threads 2017 Mystery Sampler? I haven't started it so I did not include it. And I have a feeling I won't. At least not tonight. But if I can find 29 skeins of floss, I found a piece of linen......