Sunday, July 23, 2023

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend July 2023

 Well, this is the weekend we stitch and then post our progress.

At least I think it was...It is usually the 3rd weekend, but I noticed on the Facebook page that it is this weekend. That worked out well for me as my guild had its monthly stitching meeting.

Here are all the projects I worked on this weekend:

Pour ta Fete had stitches put in and then the same stitches taken out:

I donated platelets early Saturday Morning:
I stitched the couching around Shimmering Dreams:
Drawn Thread Sampler has two more squares completed:

Mary Parson's got a few stitches
And I got the stitching done for my Quaker Hornbook and extra pillows!


diamondc said...

Greetings Beth: Thank-you for donating platelets, you are an angel.
All your works in progress are beautiful.
Have a wonderful week.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

It was the third weekend - 7th, 14th, 21st
I always double check when it’s a later one!
Nice to see some stitching progress and well done on the donation too. I have given blood in the past but they don’t want it now!

Claudette497 said...

All your pieces are beautiful but Shimmering Dreams is stunning! I couldn't stop looking at it and I can't wait to see it finished! Way way back when Joyze was hosting IHSW she started it on Fridays, I guess because for some of us the weekend starts as soon as you clock out on Friday - if you don't start your weekend until Saturday morning you're missing way too much fun!

Leonore Winterer said...

I think it's always on the first full weekend, counting Fridays! Great stitching progress, so many pretty projects.