Saturday, April 29, 2023

WIPocalypse April 2023 Check-In

Well, I am a little late on my posting, but late is better than never.

If you want to find out more about this lovely SAL, check out Melissa's information.

Each month she asks a question. This month is: Where do I buy my stitching supplies?

 I'm super happy that we have a local shop again. It is BeStitchMe , She is known for her hand-dyed linens and threads and also carries cross-stitch charts. I need to get over there as she has a mystery box that I ordered. I will open it up and share it here.

I also shop at Sassy Jack's. I recently received this in the mail from her:

Now to find time to start something!

On to my WIPs!

I finished stitching Blue Larkspur:

I need to hem it, but I'm not sure when I will get to it.

Here is where I am on Pour ta Fete:

Slowly seeing progress.

Drawn Thread Sampler is ready for me to start cutting threads out:

And Shimmering Dreams has a border started:

I have the urge to start a new project and I am trying to resist. We will see if I manage to behave for the month of May.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely work this month. I didn't realise the centre of Blue Larkspur was empty!

Leonore Winterer said...

Great job finishing Blue Larkspur, and great progress on everything else! I'm slightly envious of your LSN.