Monday, April 18, 2022

IHSW April 2022

 Well, this weekend was a blur. My husband and I are busy doing yard work and Saturday was the perfect day for tree trimming. Or that is what he told me. 😂So I really didn't do much stitching as I was fairly tired after that. Sunday morning I was up early making cinnamon rolls and egg casserole for Easter breakfast at church. When I finally sat down to stitch, this is what I discovered:

No! Not the chocolate!!! I am pointing to the little red motif where I made a mistake...all the way on the other side of the project!!! I, obviously, can't count. It is not the fault of the designer, Krista West. Her work is fantastic. I am going to put this piece in time out. Hopefully I can get a friend to look at it and help me decide what to do. Her super-power is finding mistakes and helping you figure out how to fix them.

I need to start an easy project to get my mojo back. Or eat the chocolate!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I can't see the mistake! But then, I don't have the chart in front of me.
I did a small attack of an elderly frog at the weekend. Some stitches I did in 2016 were done in the wrong shade of blue! So out they came.

diamondc said...

Hi Beth: I cannot see the mistake myself but if it is over too far how about taking out some of the blue threads next to it, just a thought.
Have a lovely week.


Leonore Winterer said...

Oh no, it sucks to find mistakes that aren't easily remedied! Hope you can figure things out soon.