Sunday, January 31, 2010
Stitching Afternoon
My DH and children went skiing yesterday. I do not ski so I took along my Christmas SAL piece. Look! Progress!
Well, it may not look like much to anyone but me, but I feel better about sticking it away for a few weeks.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Not As Much As I Wanted
Isn't that how life generally works out? I did make some progress with my Illinois canvas, but not nearly 20 counties. I am at around ten today, and hope to get a few more done before I switch to something else. After all, Gay Ann is starting her Townhouse piece on Monday and I believe the Ro Pace ANG Cyberworkshop starts then too.
Hmm. Must get permission to blog those pieces.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
ANG Stitch of the Month
Family A: Cinnabar Watercolours
080HL Kreinik
72 Anchor floss
Family B:320 DMC in #5 perle cotton and floss (Can't remember what Krenik I ordered)
Family C:3753 DMC in #5 perle cotton and floss
3214 Krenik
But it is hard to start stitching as it is a mystery and I am not sure I will like the color choices. Cynthia-I don't blame you for waiting!
I also was asked by some of my guild members about teaching a workshop on dyeing threads and fabrics. Wouldn't it be fun to dye the threads for this piece? I am thinking about it. Wonder if my friend is done with my dyes yet? I better go stitch and stop thinking about it!
Friday, January 22, 2010
New Year's Resolutions Down the Drain
I did not even make it to the end of January before I ditched my New Year's stitching rotation. But I guess it is not a total loss as I have finished all my pre-work of the GAR Townhouse and I made some progress on the Heirloom Stitching Sampler. I think I need to get something DONE before I start on something new. And there are so many projects calling my name!
So I decided to make some serious progress on my Illinois Canvas. I still have around 50 counties to go, but I figure if I can get 20 done before the end of the month, I will be very happy.
So I decided to make some serious progress on my Illinois Canvas. I still have around 50 counties to go, but I figure if I can get 20 done before the end of the month, I will be very happy.
Working on it makes me want to dye threads. Thank God my collection of dyes is with a friend who wants to dye some fabric. That removes a little temptation.
I am going to start on the ANG SOTM. Went and bought threads today. (Head hanging low.) Will try to take a picture and post tomorrow. I avoided silks as I am hoping to entice some of my guild members to join me in this mystery. We have a meeting tomorrow and I want to show them.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Stash Enhancement
A few weeks ago I ordered some threads in for a couple of Gay Ann Roger's pieces. I figured I should 'fess up and post a picture of them. Aren't they pretty?
No, I haven't started on either project except for purchase the materials necessary. Sigh. So much for stash reduction.
Here is my progress on O Star of Wonder:
I realize it does not look like much, but this piece is very complicated and has lots of thread changes. It is so gorgeous in person and I am enjoying the challenge.
Here is my progress on O Star of Wonder:
I do have a dilemma. I want to get something DONE and out of my rotation. The only thing in my rotation that is close to being done is my Illinois canvas. So I am thinking of stopping work on this piece and moving on to my Illinois canvas. So much for my New Year's Resolution...
I also have an urge to join the ANG Stitch of the Month (SOTM). It looks like a great project to do with my local guild, but they will need a visual to be excited....So many projects and so little time. And the dust bunnies are getting ready to take over so I must do some housekeeping!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Very Little to Show
I had a very busy week and had very little time to stitch. Since I am trying to stick to my rotation system Heirloom Sampler won't have much progress this week.

The skirt to the right was totally removed as I did not feel like it was dark enough and there was too much variation. I will have to pick another thread next month when I pick it up.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Little More Progress
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's Resolutions
No pictures, I am afraid, but I decided to post a few of my resolutions.
This year I will try a rotation system with my needlework. Four big projects and I will rotate them on a weekly basis. If I don't have time to work on needlework that week, too bad. It will go to the end of the line. My first four pieces are:
1-O'Star of Wonder
2-Illinois canvas
3-GAR Townhouse
4 -Heirloom Stitching Sampler
I also will try to stitch at least 12 stitches a day on something! Maybe I will have more finishes this coming year!
Happy New Year!
This year I will try a rotation system with my needlework. Four big projects and I will rotate them on a weekly basis. If I don't have time to work on needlework that week, too bad. It will go to the end of the line. My first four pieces are:
1-O'Star of Wonder
2-Illinois canvas
3-GAR Townhouse
4 -Heirloom Stitching Sampler
I also will try to stitch at least 12 stitches a day on something! Maybe I will have more finishes this coming year!
Happy New Year!
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