Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 17- First Christmas Stocking by Cross My Heart Designs

Two of my three children informed me that I need to make myself a stocking this year. I meant to take a photo of our stockings to show you why, but I forgot...Hopefully I can make real progress on this one so I can hang it this year. Ha!
I haven't started stitching, but I did get my fabric ready, found the floss I needed and made notes of what I needed to buy.
Question: should I stitch in hand, on a hoop or on scroll frame? I normally do scroll frame but it will be huge and I won't be able to haul it around.


Tiffstitch said...

Beautiful choice. I have one to finish for DD before I start mine. That will hopefully be a December finish as well. I started stitching mine in hand, but there's a fair bit of half stitch/tent stitch and the fabric started to distort a little. I use a Qsnap with it now. If you don't have much half stitch it may not distort if you stitch in hand.

Linda said...

Pretty design Beth.


Pamela said...

I usually stitch in hand. Personal preference.

Bea said...

Beautiful design. I would use a q-snap to stitch it.