Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Because I Have Nothing Better To Do

 The urge to do a Santa was overwhelming, so I pulled this one out:
 It is Candy Swirl Santa by Janet Zickler Casey. My son started it, probably around 2006/7. He did great on the face and the beard, but the hat was too much for him. He was around 11 at the time. I have been wanting to stitch it and get it on my Santa tree, but I didn't know what to do about my son's stitching on the hat. So I asked on Needlepoint Nation on Facebook!
 They thought I should leave it, so I did.  It is a pain to get smooth, but I am loving it. Will I get it done before the next Janet Zickler Casey Santa arrives?


Keebles said...

I totally understand...that hat looks terrifying, but you've made it look amazing!!

Linda said...

The hat looks great as does the rest of the Santa Beth.


Renee said...

What an adorable Santa!

Pamela said...

Great job for any age, but especially an 11 year old. I know you'll be happy to finish this and see it in your tree.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your son did so well with the rest of Santa! The beard is particularly wonderful.

Leonore Winterer said...

This will be a very special ornament with both of you having worked on it :) Looks great!