Thursday, March 15, 2018

Today is Gifted Gorgeousness!

I had hoped to finish the last Magi, but it was not to be. But I have been stitching on a piece that I will eventually give away!
But before I go any further Jo at Serendipitous Stitching 
has this lovely stitch-a-long where you post things you have received as gifts, are stitching as gifts or has even the slightest thing to do with gifts! We all receive such lovely things from each other and it is fun to see what others are stitching.
Here is my piece:
A little too Halloweenie for me to keep, but I have several members of my family who would be happy to have this one or one of the others I have in my stash. And they are very bright and a fast stitch.
I am super busy the next few days and am having a difficult time finding stitching time for my large projects. Anyone else in my same boat? What do you do about it?


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Elfie said...

I have enjoyed my visit once again. I know exactly what you mean about finding time for the larger projrcts. My HAED has been sitting untouched for at least 9 months. I desperately want to work on it, but life is conspiring to keep me away from it. I hope to be stitching on it in the second half of the year.

Linda said...

Looks great Beth.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Love the bright colours in this.
I try to stitch every single day and if I haven't managed much (like last week) I reserve myself a catch-up day when I will start stitching earlier than usual and get some more hours in.
Like I plan to do next week!

Kaisievic said...

I am sure that someone will like that little cutie.

Leonore Winterer said...

I've been really busy the last few weeks too. While I still did find some stitching time, it wasn't usually on the pieces I really wanted to stitch on, but somehow I made it through okay.