Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness for August

Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching
has a wonderful SAL where we show works we received as gifts or that we are giving away. 
I thought I would have this finished, but I am disgusted with all the mistakes.
Here is what I showed last month:
 And here is Quaker Ghost almost finished:
The fabric is a lovely coloring, but is so loose that I had a terrible time making neat stitches. And I also found that I am one row off. I am not going to rip it and I am going to finish it. Hopefully before the end of the month!! I have another half of fabric and I think when i use it, I will starch it a bit to give it some body. Sigh. Live and learn, I guess.


DJ said...

Oh Beth, I'm sorry you are having troubles with this piece, from your picture I think it looks great! The fabric is really pretty. I've been having a day full of frogging myself. I hope it gets easier, can't wait to see it finished!!

Linda said...

Looks great Beth.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in GG this month. This is a great design but it's shame about the fabric. Hopefully the starch will help as it's a wonderful colour.