Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November 1-Where Did the Year Go?

 I know that as we near the end of the year, I start thinking about what stitching I have accomplished and what I want to do in the next year. I am thinking about doing a WIP parade on video. If I do, I will let you know so you can see all my starts and mistakes.

I did a bit of stitching in October. I need to get myself motivated and fully finish some ornaments for the swaps I have joined.


cheryl lennox said...

2 months left to finish everything for the year? Not going to happen... Instead, I have the beginnings of a list for 2024! And a very long list it is... We seriously must put some play dates (or at least coffee dates) on our calendars.

Beth in IL said...

Yes to coffee or a play date!

Leonore Winterer said...

Now is the time for that last push to get some stuff done towards the end of the year!