Saturday, October 14, 2023

Gifted Gorgeousness October 2023

 Well, life has been crazy around here or so it seems. I've been super busy canning apples:

I've made several batches of apple butter along with a ton of dried apples. I need to make some apple sauce next!

My apple butter will be a gift so it counts as a Gifted Gorgeousness post, correct?

I have done a bit of stitching. My latest obsession is with gold work. This little frog kit may be a gift for my son. We will see. He is adorable and I love stitching on him.

 Oh! Gifted Gorgeousness is the brain child of the lovely Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching


jocondine said...

Great to receive gifts you can eat, of course! We're always happy to make jams with the garden blackberries and be able to offer some (no chance to get raspberries I eat all of them!). I'll come back soon to see how thie little frog is going. xxx

diamondc said...

Hello Beth: Yes the apple canning does count as a gift it is a beautiful fruit and so yummy.
The frog is so cute.


DJ said...

Oh my goodness, I used to help my Grandmother make apple butter and apple sauce. I remember the wonderful smells coming from her kitchen! What a lovely gift. The frog is adorable too! Happy creating!

Leonore Winterer said...

How cute that little frog is!