Monday, August 23, 2021

IHSW for August 2021

 Well, it was the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend and I forgot to take before photos...

What is IHSW? Do you run away and stitch? No, it is just a weekend where you purposefully take time to stitch. It could be an extra hour, an extra 15 minutes, whatever. You are supposed to post before and after photos, but whatever!  It is the brainchild of the lovely Jo .

Here are my photos:

Agnus Dei is moving along:

I pulled Springhill out again. I figure if I get one or two threads on it a night, I will see progress.
And I started on my Lizard needlepoint canvas.

I need to figure out a background stitch so it may go back to the corner....

What did you work on this weekend?


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Credit for IHSW must go to Joysze, but as she doesn't stitch much these days I run the group!
I managed to get a few hours in but not as many as I wanted.

Leonore Winterer said...

Lovely stitching! Looking forward to seeing more of your new canvas start, too.