Sunday, January 31, 2021

#the100dayproject Start

 Well, today is the first day of the #100dayproject . No, I will not post here every day. Don't want to bore you to death. But hopefully I won't give up on it this year either.

I decided to work on gifts. I have a few started for people and more than a few cooking in my mind. Here is my hashtag- #100daysofstitching_gifts I also talked Gary Parr into doing the challenge(although I would bet my stash he won't complete it!). Our hashtag is- #ft100day2021 

First up for me is my dd sweatshirt:

It is white(although it looks very blue in this photo) and she asked me to dye it and then stitch on it. So into the dye bath it goes! Will see if I can manage a color that will be acceptable. After I dye it, I have permission to go crazy stitching on it. Yipee!


diamondc said...

Beth: Wow 100 days, I would have a tough time staying focused.
I love your Bee, so sweet.


Clare-Aimetu said...

The sweatshirt is looking great. Good luck with the 100 project

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That sounds like a fun project, I shall look forward to seeing what it looks like after 100 days!

Leonore Winterer said...

What a fun project! I'm sure you can get a couple things done in 100 days.