Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Did You Buy Anything From Nashville Market?

I have restrained myself so far. I will wait for the craziness of Market to die down and then I will make a few purchases. My list is relatively short, which is good. I have PLENTY to stitch!
I forgot about this little piece until I had to sit at the doctor's office with my  husband. (No big issues, just a quick visit.)
I have a long way to go on this piece, but I do like it. I'm trying not to buy any more Mill Hill Kits although I find them so addicting!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thankfully it's not that easy to get hold of the new designs here so the temptation isn't quite the same!
I did like the Lindy Stitches Mary, Mary design.
Nice work on the Pumpkin.

Unknown said...
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Julie said...

I have so many things in my stash, I have not looked!

Leonore Winterer said...

I never buy at the market, but will watch put for new designs as they trickle into my favourite stores later on.
Great work on your MH! I really need to start another one of these soon.

Astrids dragon said...

I tried not to look too much at the market, and as of yet haven't found anything I HAD to have! Although Mill Hill is always tempting to me.