Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Over One
My Christmas decorations are up and I am having a hard time working on Ghost Dancer. So out came Merrily! Merrily! I love this piece and wonder why I put it down. I just need to find better place to stitch as the over one is a little difficult without my Ott light. Guess I will have to unplug something else....
Monday, December 2, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
These are two bracelets that I have made recently. The top one my dd gave me as a kit last Christmas and the bottom one I took as a class. The top one is fairly simple using two sizes of Fire Polish Crystals( 6mm and 4 mm) plus size 8 &11seed beads. The bottom one is much more complicated as it uses pearls, Firepolished Crystals and seed beads. The dragonfly button was picked up at the Madison Quilt show.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
A Little Blue
A friend inspired me to try to organize my house/life by taking small steps on projects that I keep putting off. This fabric was dyed in the early fall and although I had rinsed it, it needed ironing. So every time I went into my craft room, that pile of fabric would nag at me. Today, I took the time to iron it. It makes me feel better to see it neatly folded. Not a big step, but at least it is one thing done.
Now, I had better do my 12 stitches with Elizabeth before supper.
Now, I had better do my 12 stitches with Elizabeth before supper.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Hardly Any Progress
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Life has been busy, as usual. I did not get as much done on Elizabeth as I hoped, but I did stitch a little on her. For those who want to know: Elizabeth was a kit offered by Gay Ann Rogers through the Shining Needle Society. I don't think she is offering the pattern or the kit anymore. The problem is the pearl beads, I do believe. Gay Ann said she had a difficult time finding ones to make her kits. Also, she is in "Mail Jail" right now as she just had her big E-week sale.(Elizabeth was NOT offered.)She offers new patterns for sale at various times, but E-week is when she offers some of her older patterns. Why does she only sell her patterns at that time and not all of them? Because she also needs some time to stitch.Gay Ann's Home Page should take you to her home page. There should also be a link to join the Shining Needle Society from there or you can email Kate Gaunt: . None of the patterns are still for sale on the web page, but it would give you an idea of what Gay Ann offers. (She has hinted that she may do Catherine the Great....) I have no financial interest in Gay Ann's sales, but I do have a lot of her patterns and kits!
My beaded ornaments are coming along, but I have added two more that I need to do. A friend was having trouble with the instructions and I offered to make them for her. I was at a stitching meeting and several other ladies offered regrets that they had not bought the kit so I could make theirs too. Ha! I am crazy, but not that crazy!!! I will try to get a few done and post a photo.
My beaded ornaments are coming along, but I have added two more that I need to do. A friend was having trouble with the instructions and I offered to make them for her. I was at a stitching meeting and several other ladies offered regrets that they had not bought the kit so I could make theirs too. Ha! I am crazy, but not that crazy!!! I will try to get a few done and post a photo.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Progress on my Ornaments
Sorry for the bad photos; it is a cloudy day here. The Pearlcicle did not take very long. I have started my second one and am changing it up a bit.
I need to take out the silver on my Santa. The bargello pattern in the center will not fit if I leave it as it is. That did not take long to stitch and I will be happier with Santa's chin if I redo it.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
12 Stitches a Day on Elizabeth Progress
I decided I need to get Elizabeth done, so I work on her for 12 stitches a day. No less but sometimes more. Although that is not a lot of stitching, it means I make progress on my pieces. Hopefully by next week she will have some hair. It is difficult to see, but I have been adding a shadow to the ruff. Boring but needed.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Santa's Hat
I was very good and resisted Gay Ann's E-Week sale. It was tough, but I did. She has a couple of things coming up next year that will definitely tempt me.
Santa's hat is coming along quickly which is good as Kate Gaunt over at the Shining Needle Society is having another class called Christmas Light Santa by Janet Zickler Casey. If you are interested in joining the Shining Needle Society , you can email Kate at . Lots of fun classes and great teachers.
Santa's hat is coming along quickly which is good as Kate Gaunt over at the Shining Needle Society is having another class called Christmas Light Santa by Janet Zickler Casey. If you are interested in joining the Shining Needle Society , you can email Kate at . Lots of fun classes and great teachers.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Santa has got Eyes
I like it that my Santa can really see me now. It is amazing how much a little outline stitching can do.
Just to let you know, Gay Ann Roger's is having her E-Week sale RIGHT NOW! If you neeed some stash enhancement or just want to look, I highly recommend heading to her website. Gay Ann Roger's Home Page
She is having her special sales this weekend which is always fun to watch.
Just to let you know, Gay Ann Roger's is having her E-Week sale RIGHT NOW! If you neeed some stash enhancement or just want to look, I highly recommend heading to her website. Gay Ann Roger's Home Page
She is having her special sales this weekend which is always fun to watch.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Elizabeth's Ruff Continued
I am making some progress on Elizabeth's ruff.I just need to add some tent stitching between the buttonhole stitches to create the shadow. It is a good project for today as my allergies are bad and I can't think too well. I really want to get back to Ghost Dancer, but my brain is not making sense of the directions. I am sure that once my allergies are better it will make sense.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Ghost Dancer by Ro Pace
I should be canning tomatoes, but I thought I would do a quick post. I am taking Ghost Dancer with Cyberpointers as a Group Correspondence Class through ANG. I did not need to start another project, but this has a due date! Having those usually helps me finish a project, if you know what I mean....
Back to the tomatoes.
Back to the tomatoes.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Elizabeth's Ruff, Continued
I haven't been working much on Elizabeth. She needs more light and patience than I have in the evenings. I hope to get back at her soon.
Gay Ann Rogers is having her annual sale October 16-October 23. She is taking votes on samplers she will offer on her early morning sales. Want to vote? Want to see what Gay Ann has to entice us with this year?
Gay Ann Rogers Sale should take you to her home page. See why I have so much of her stash in my basement!
Gay Ann Rogers is having her annual sale October 16-October 23. She is taking votes on samplers she will offer on her early morning sales. Want to vote? Want to see what Gay Ann has to entice us with this year?
Gay Ann Rogers Sale should take you to her home page. See why I have so much of her stash in my basement!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Midnight Star Finished!
I finished this last week, I believe. I have been too busy with tomatoes and pears to do much stitching. Way too busy to post anything! My dehydrator died so I have a little time...Although I just looked at the pile of tomatoes on my ping-pong table and I am sure there are more on the vines outside. Tomorrow I will do some canning. Tonight I will work on Elizabeth!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Starting E's Ruff
Friday, August 23, 2013
Gardening Season
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Friday, August 9, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Buzzy Day is Stitched
Monday, August 5, 2013
One Border Done
I just hope this picture is crooked because my points look off. I did manage to make the border meet which is good. (Just checked:optical illusion.) I hope to get this done before my dd birthday in October. Because of Gay Ann's encouragement, I plan on working on Elizabeth again too. Maybe I will have something to post on her before the end of the week!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Judy Jeroy Workshop
The two day class was Chip and Chick
and I learned a lot. My little chick is very surprised at the chipmunk who is eating a nut on a stump.
The plan is to stitch the one day and practice my technique before I tackle my big piece. That is if I don't get distracted. Would I do that?
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Ukrainian Nyzynka-Stitched!
Have you ever just decided that a piece is done? That is what I think about this one. I have enjoyed working on it, but I started it in July 2010. It is time to be done. I was thinking of making it into a small bag, but my son has offered to make a box for it. He has so many other projects that I hate to ask, but he wants to make it for me. I will wash it and put it away.
I did not get to the Coq Au Pins yet. I need to do some work before I can put it together. That is my goal for tomorrow. I did manage to clean a little of my basement though. Every little bit is progress.
I did not get to the Coq Au Pins yet. I need to do some work before I can put it together. That is my goal for tomorrow. I did manage to clean a little of my basement though. Every little bit is progress.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Midnight Star Restart
I spent yesterday evening watching PBS and ripping the center of Midnight Star. I restitched the very center using Kreinik 150V. I thought that is what I used before, but it was 152V which was darker. My daughter likes the orange thread I am using so I can keep moving forward.
I do plan on finishing my Coq Au Pins set myself. It looks fairly straight forward and I hope to take some time today or tomorrow.
I do plan on finishing my Coq Au Pins set myself. It looks fairly straight forward and I hope to take some time today or tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy 4th of July!
First, Happy 4th of July everyone! It is a beautiful day where I live and I just got back from a 10K Firecracker Run! Can you tell I am hyper? Anyway, it was great fun and I recommend doing a race, even if you are slow like me. It is good to get out and move!
Here is the scissor's case that goes with the chicken. Do you see my mistake? I need to do a little reverse stitching before this is done. Then it is on to the scissor's fob! When I get all the stitching done, I will put everything together. Here is my question: does it count as one finish for my Crazy January Challenge or do I count each piece? I am so behind, I think I will count each one. What do you think?
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Stitching is Done
This is the chicken for the Coq Au Pins by Twisted Oak Design. Doesn't look like a chicken, does it? I have enjoyed stitching it so much that I decided to do the rest of the pattern which includes a scissor's case, scissor's fob and a pin keep. I am using threads that I dyed. Hopefully I won't run out.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
This is what I have been doing lately...picking strawberries. I made three batches of freezer jelly and froze quite a bit. The kids are tired of picking them which is ok as they are about done. But boy, they sure enjoyed them with cake and ice cream!
I am working on Elizabeth, but no real progress to show. I do have some work done on another piece that I will post soon.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Elizabeth's Mask
Well, it has been a while since I last posted. I redid a section of Elizabeth and then added the outlines. I think any remaining lines on her face will receed with all the other stuff going around her. Her ruff is going in next. Hopefully I will be able to post more frequently, but it all depends on the weather and the amount of time I get to stitch!
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