Sunday, January 5, 2025

WIPocaplypse 2025 Introduction

 Stole this from Melissa:

... if you’re new to WIPocalypse… welcome! We’re glad to have you! If you’re returning – oh HAI! So happy you’re continuing this weird little project with me. 🙂 As always, remember that this is a project for fun. If you can’t participate for a while, that’s cool. If you’re too busy – no problem! If you lose your stiching mojo – trust me, we’ve all been there. Jump in and out as your life allows. WIPocalypse started when there weren’t a ton of general stitching challenges out there and the Facebook groups that now are so dominant were essentially non-existent, and it’s always intended to be low-key, low-stress, and just “hooray – look at my progress!” with no other expectations. It absolutely can be combined with any other challenges you have going. Just tack us on as an extra accomplishment in your cap. (grin) Some more competitive stitchers may ask what’s the point of it all – but that’s just it… WIPocalypse has never really had a point, other than to be a space where stitchers can celebrate making progress on their pieces. So come on in, grab a comfy spot to stitch, and share your progress with us....

So, I have been stitching for YEARS! Probably since I was around 8 years old. I started with embroidery and learned to cross-stitch when I was in college. I will try to keep a list of my WIPs in my side-bar, but I have to find them in the stash first. I hope to organize my stash as part of this challenge. But my main goal this year is to get a few major projects done. I like doing cross-stitch, needlepoint and embroidery. Maybe that is why I have so many WIPS in the first place.

Cabinet of Curiosity:

My goal is to get one panel done this year. 

Angel of Love:

I would love to get this done in 2025.

Bountiful Kitties:

I have so many Mill Hill kits that I decided to start one as my travel project.

Baltic Easter Basket Cover-Avlea

I need to get the hem stitch done on this to send it on to my daughter.

I will add projects as I find them. Or as I start them. Whatever comes first....


tweezle said...

Lovely projects! I do love L&L patterns. I'm doing Celtic Spring and the way MLI designed them - they are nothing short of stunning. I am also trying to stitch every day. Good luck on your goals. I can't wait to see your progress.

diamondc said...

Hi Beth: So many design in the works, I am looking forward to seeing which project you finish first.


Leonore Winterer said...

A couple mayor finishes would be great this year!