Monday, June 15, 2020

Art Quilt Challenge

I joined a local art quilt group, although I am not really sure why they wanted me. Anyway, they challenged us to use yellow in a piece to signify courage during the virus. This did not come out the way I had planned, but I am fairly happy with it.
I will use it for the cover of my next Bullet Journal. It was fun to stitch, but I must get back to my WIPs!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I am sure you are a welcome part of any group!
This is a lovely piece. I joined some additional textile groups on FB to brighten up my feed but I haven't stitched or made anything! I just lurk and like.

cheryl lennox said...

This turned out so nice! I especially love your fabrics. Giggles.

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh, how pretty! I really admire your creativity with pieces like this.